Our Full Package
We can deliver on-site training for your kitchen team and care team. The initial training would consist of one-to-one sessions working alongside the chef, allowing us to demonstrate how to incorporate modified meals into your daily routine. Alternatively, this could be a one-to-one session away from service; we would need to choose the option that you feel would add the most value to the kitchen.
As you can appreciate, IDDSI does not start half an hour before service. It begins from the moment you cut that first carrot and cook that meat. We would cover:
Diet notification sheets/food passports
The IDDSI framework
Cooking techniques
IDDSI audit tools
Dining with dignity
Offering residents choices with modified meals and how this is recorded
We can deliver further training, which can be dedicated to a one-to-one basis for sandwiches, snacks, and dessert ideas, but we need to get the fundamental basics right first.
Within care home catering, we are very concerned about choking incidents. We could work on building a tracking system to spot trends, backed up with practical training that can be uploaded to your training site, also demonstrating that team members have been fully trained. Recording choking incidents can highlight current trends of foods that are causing harm within your business and help you be proactive rather than reactive.
We can also deliver a hands-on demonstration to your care team. This would include a demonstration of:
What IDDSI is
Why we use it
What dysphagia is
Swallowing reflexes
Drink testing methods
Food testing methods
Menu stimulation
Food passports/nutrition documents
IDDSI audit tools
Dignified dining
This is a hands-on demonstration and not "death by PowerPoint," mainly aimed at carers and also family members. We know that Betty loves to bring in boiled sweets for Frank, who is on a Level 4 diet, but she feels it's okay because he can suck them. The session lasts between 45 minutes and 1 hour.